Frodo Baggins! A bit tall, perhaps...
An Uruk and Cindy! Actually, it's Greg Boardman, owner of the Lorraine.
Cindy and Eowyn (Jenn) finish up the contest.
Cindy and Sylvia, who drove in from Indiana to make the party!
Lothiriel and Eowyn (Cindy and Jenn) pose.
Costumers fill the lobby of the theater.
My Precious! Look at Frodo's (Julian's) big eyes.
Father and son, Deane and Julian Geiken, as Eomer of Rohan and Frodo Baggins.
An Ent (Jen Garza) stalks up the aisle!
The Ent, Frodo, and Gandalf with their prizes.
Ents never move hastily.