Mozilla StuffWhen I started using Mozilla, I thought the sidebar's concept was very cool. I thought it would be even better if I could add RSS Sources to it. After some searching, I found DJ Adams While DJ's work seemed like a fine start, it didn't work out that well for me. So I decided to take his lead and create my own incarnation of his work. The main component is If you just want to cut to the chase and add a RSS Source to your Mozilla Sidebar, you can go to my Mozilla Sidebar Installer. To truely utilize any of the code linked on this page you should be using Mozilla, the Netscape 6 Tech Preview, or the Neoplanet Netscape 6 Tech Preview. You can use the scripts hosted on my server by just installing a new sidebar with the Mozilla Sidebar Installer. Or you can download the scripts below and install them on your own server. DJ has done some addition work on Mozilla RSS Sidebars recently (8/29/02). You can read about it here. One aspect of what he has done involves standardising a method of specifying the location of the RSS feed for a particular source. This is done through <link> tags, in the format specified here. DJ's new work is an excellent alternative/addition to what is available here. is a RSS to HTML translator tuned for Mozilla sidebars. It could be used by itself to display RSS sources on a webpage, but there are better tools for that (see my RSS page). RequirementsPerl 5XML::Parser URI::Escape LWP::Simple installs RSS Sources provided by the script into Mozilla. RequirementsPerl 5XML::RSS URI::Escape LWP::Simple |