Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Disgustingly White
Favorite Website: TheOneRing.net
Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Game: System Shock 2
Favorite Actor: Sir Ian Holm
Favorite Actress: Olivia Williams
Favorite Food: Vegetable Samosas
Favorite Drink: Lemonade
Email: pipesmoke@theonering.net
Biography: Born 07/07/80... lived in Lincoln my whole life, graduated from highschool in '98, have since done some college and am hoping to do more soon. In the mean time, just working and helping with TORN when I have time, oh and most importantly playing computer games even if I don't have time. Chose the name 'Pipe Smoke' from seeing a picture of Gandalf smoking a pipe when I needed a name... I don't smoke myself. That's about all I can think of.
Story with TORn: Well, if I recall correctly I had already buttered the powers that be up by breaking the story of Blanchett's casting and kind of also Noble's casting too. Plus some other information I gleaned from talking with DeLuca while he was still at New Line. The most important thing though was when I had the idea to make a little page with a map showing where some of the regulars of Barliman's lived, Xoanon decided to make it an official part of TORN and it's advanced a lot since those early days... so that's my main job here is updating the map, which unfortunately I do pretty rarely :) But... I also help to moderate the messageboards and the chatroom a bit too.